
Complex Network Analysis Course

Table of Contents

Chapter 1-Introduction

Course Info

Title: Analysis of Complex Networks Instructor: Reza Rezazadegan Shiraz University, Department of Mathematics, Spring 2024
Course webpage: https://dreamintelligent.com/teaching/networks/ Course Github:
Networks are graphs that are large and sparse.
Complex networks are networks which, unlike have “nontrivial topological features”.
Networks represent entities and their relations; they represent interacting systems.
The entities constitute the nodes (or vertices) of the network and the relations give network’s edges (or links).

Course textbooks

Albert-Laszlo Barabasi, Network Science Easley and Kleinberg, Network, Crowds and Markets Newman, Networks, An Introduction Zinoviev, Complex Network Analysis in Python Hamilton, Graph Representation Learning

Course evaluation

Presentation of a topic (10 points). Presentation topics are mentioned below.
Data analysis project (10 points)

Networks are everywhere!

“Behind each complex system, there is an intricate network that encodes the interactions between the system’s components.” (Barabasi, Network Science)

Transportation Networks

Map of Tehran metro

Network of railways in Europe
Map of US interstate highways

Social Networks

They encode different societies as complex systems.
Nodes: persons, edges: relations (who is friends with whom, who follows whom)

The network of friendships in a karate club, studied by Wayne Zachary

Networks in Biology

The processes behind living cells can be represented by the network of interactions between genes, proteins, and metabolites.

RNA and protein secondary structures

They encode bonds between different units of these molecules, which determine their function.

Comparison of Covid-19 (top) and SARS (bottom) virus structures. Source: https://journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/mbio.01661-20

Gene regulatory network

In biology we have gene regulatory networks which represent the interaction between transcription factors (which regulate gene expression) and genes in a cell. They determine the function of the cell.

Protein-Protein Interaction networks

They encode physical interactions between proteins in a living organism.

Metabolic networks

They encode the chemical reactions between molecules in body.
From left to right: GRN, PPI network and metabolic network. Source: Costa et. al, Complex networks: the key to systems biology
Further reading:
  • Albert-László Barabási & Zoltán N. Oltvai, Network biology: understanding the cell’s functional organization, Nature Reviews Genetics, 2004
  • Luciano da F. Costa et. al, Complex networks: the key to systems biology

Networks in medicine

How can a drug can be designed that has few significant side effects? Network: interactions between drugs and proteins.
Further reading: Zitnik et al., Modeling Polypharmacy Side Effects with Graph Convolutional Networks


Epidemic prediction is one of the most active applications of network science.
Further reading:
  • Danon et al., Networks and the Epidemiology of Infectious Disease, 2011
  • D. Balcan, et al., Multiscale mobility networks and the spatial spreading of infectious diseases. PNAS, 2009.

Networks in Neuroscience

The diagram of connections between neurons can lead us to understanding brain functions. The pathways connecting cortical areas. Source: Human Connectome Project www.humanconnectome.org
Further reading: Bassett and Sporns, Network Neuroscience, Nature Neuroscience, 2017

Citation networks

Citation network of publications

Citation networks are used in bibliometrics and scientometrics.
Further reading: Antonia Gogoglou, Complex Networks and Machine Learning in Scientometrics, PhD thesis

Collaboration networks

Nodes: researchers, edges: coauthorship

Citation network of patents

The patent citation network is used in technological analysis and forecasting.
Further reading:
  • Manajit Chakraborty et al., Patent citation network analysis: A perspective from descriptive statistics and ERGMs
  • Triulzi et al., Estimating Technology Performance Improvement Rates by Mining Patent Data, 2020


Even though not a citation network in a strict sense, the Web consists of webpages and the links between them.

Networks in Management

The social network of a Hungarian company. The edges represent “who asks whom for advice”. Company directors and managers are no among the hubs. The hubs are managers, group leaders and associates, or workers. The biggest hub is an associate. Source: Barabasi, Network Science

Communication networks

  • The internet

The power grid

It consists of power generators, transmission lines and consumers. The failure of one node sends the load to other nodes and can result in a cascading failure. (Further discussed in chapter on network robustness.)

Semantic networks and knowledge graphs

Used for encoding relations between concepts, words, etc. Useful for representing knowledge of outside word to computers.

Networks studied in the Network Science book

The last three columns are the number of nodes, the number of edges and average degree of nodes.

Network science

The architecture and the evolution of all the different networks mentioned above are rather similar, and can be studied using a common set of mathematical tools!
The citation pattern of two of the most highly-cited papers in network theory. Source: Barabasi, Network Science
Network theory is interdisciplinarydata-drivenmathematical and computational.
We study the structure of networks at different levels: node level, community level, network level Image source: Jure Leskovec
In this course: both mathematical and computational study using Python!

Syllabus overview

1-Examples of complex networks

2-Graph theory review

Directed and undirected graphs, weighted graphs, adjacency matrix, paths and connectivity,…

3-Network data, network visualization and using Networkx for network analysis

4-Social networks

5-Node level analysis: node centrality and importance

Degree distribution and clustering coefficient
Various centrality measures: node degree, PageRank, eigenvector centrality, Betweenness centrality, etc. Application: finding influential folks or celebrities in a network

6-Network generative models: random graphs

Some graphs evolve randomly, such as getting familiar with other persons in a gathering.

7-Scale-free networks

Most real-world networks are not random. Scale-free network are those in which the probability of a node having degree k is proportional to for some constant .

8-The Barabasi-Albert model

Uses the concept of preferential attachment to model scale-free networks.

9-Dynamic networks

How a network’s structure evolves in time?

10-Network robustness

How network structure affects the robustness of a complex system? Quantitative tools to assess the interplay between network structure and dynamical processes on networks and their impact on network failures.

11-Community detection

Applications such as identifying likeminded users for recommendations, finding common research area in collaboration networks, discovering a set of functionally associated proteins in protein-protein interaction networks, uncovering hidden relations among the nodes in the network, etc.
Community detection plays significant roles in epidemic spreading. The strong community structures in the networks are useful in minimizing the danger that brought by the epidemic prevalence.

12-Analysis of the whole network

13-Diffusion in networks

How information and diseases are spread across networks.

14-Applications of social network analysis

Presentation topics

Statistical mechanics of complex networks

  • Albert and Barabasi, Statistical mechanics of complex networks, 2002
  • Cimini et al., The statistical physics of real-world networks, Nature, 2019

Mathematical details of random graphs

  • Frieze and Kronski, Introduction to Random Graphs, 2024
  • Bollobas, Random Graphs, 2001

Topological Data Analysis of networks

  • Sizemore et al. The importance of the whole: Topological data analysis for the network neuroscientist
  • Taylor et al., Topological data analysis of contagion maps for examining spreading processes on networks, Nature 2015
  • Swarup and Rezazadegan, Generating an Agent Taxonomy using Topological Data Analysis, 2019
  • Preira, Topological Data Analysis for Network Resilience Quantification, 2021

Spectral graph theory

Studies graph Laplacian: where is the degree matrix.
  • Butler, Chung, Spectral Graph Theory
  • Graph Representation Learning, section 2.3
  • Belkin and Niogy, Laplacian Eigenmaps and Spectral Techniques for Embedding and Clustering

Semantic Networks and knowledge graphs

  • Zhou, et al. Derive Word Embeddings From Knowledge Graph
  • Ji et al. A Survey on Knowledge Graphs: Representation, Acquisition and Applications
  • Graph Representation Learning, Chapter 4
  • Wang et al., Knowledge Graph Embedding: A Survey of Approaches and Applications, 2017
  • Dai et al., A Survey on Knowledge Graph Embedding: Approaches, Applications and Benchmarks, 2020

Node embedding and node classification (predicting node labels)

Node degree, centrality, clustering coefficient, etc. can be thought of as node features.
More generally: Graphlet degree vector: the number of graphlets (isomorphism classes of small graphs) that include a given vertex: measures a network’s local topology
Importance based: e.g predicting influential users in a social network
Structure based: useful for predicting a node’s role in the network e.g. Predicting protein functionality in a protein-protein interaction network.
  • Graph Representation Learning, Chapter 3
  • Perozzi, et al., DeepWalk: Online Learning of Social Representations, 2014
  • Grover and Leskovec, node2vec: Scalable Feature Learning for Networks
  • Leskovec’s course Chapter 3

Graph Neural Networks (GNNs)

They provide flexible graph representations for classification etc. at different levels. e.g. drug discovery, predicting time of arrival.

Theoretical motivation for GNNs

  • Graph Representation Learning, Chapter 7

The Weisfeiler-Lehman graph kernel

A graph-level feature similar to graphlets and related to GNNs
  • Huang, Villar, A Short Tutorial on The Weisfeiler-Lehman Test And Its Variants, 2021
  • Shervashidze, Weisfeiler-Lehman Graph Kernels, 2011
  • Graph Representation Learning, 2.1.2
Predicting new or missing links in a network, e.g.
  • recommender systems (nodes: products and persons, edges: purchases)
  • predicting drug side effects (in the drug-protein interaction network mentioned above).
  • Local neighborhood overlap: common Neighbors, Jaccard index, Adamic-Adar index
  • Global neighborhood overlap: katz index
  • Graph neural networks
Further reading:
  • Liben-Nowell, Kleinberg, Link prediction problem for social networks, 2004
  • Kumar et al., Link prediction techniques, applications, and performance: A survey, 2020
  • Muhan Zhang, Chapter 10 Graph Neural Networks: Link Prediction
  • Cleora: A Simple, Strong and Scalable Graph Embedding Scheme

Statistical relational learning

  • Khosravi, Bina, Survey on Statistical Relational Learning
  • Getoor, Taskar, Introduction to Statistical Relational Learning, MIT Press

Probabilistic Graphical Models

  • Zhou, Structure Learning of Probabilistic Graphical Models: A Comprehensive Survey, 2007

Node clustering in graphs

NLP in citation networks

  • Brito et al., Network Analysis and Natural Language Processing to Obtain a Landscape of the Scientific Literature on Materials Applications, 2023

Document representation as graphs

  • Sonawane, Graph based Representation and Analysis of Text Document: A Survey of Techniques, 2014
  • Malliaros, Vazirgiannis, Graph-based Text Representations: Boosting Text Mining, NLP and Information Retrieval with Graphs http://fragkiskosm.github.io/projects/graph_text_tutorial
  • Koloski et al., Inducing Document Representations with GRAPH-BASED METHODS: A BLUEPRINT, 2023

Graphs in Natural Language Processing

  • Zhou, et al. Derive Word Embeddings From Knowledge Graph
  • Nastase, et al., # A survey of graphs in natural language processing, 2015
  • Schneider et al., A Decade of Knowledge Graphs in Natural Language Processing: A Survey, 2022
  • Wu, et al. Graph Neural Networks for Natural Language Processing: A Survey, 2021
  • https://github.com/graph4ai/graph4nlp

Random walks on networks

  • Masuda et al., Random walks and diffusion on networks, 2020

Quantum random walks on networks

  • Aharonov et al., Quantum Random Walks on Graphs, 2002

Neo4J and Graph Databases

Deep Generative Graph Models

  • Graph Representation Learning, Part III

Spatial Networks

  • Barthelemy, Spatial Networks, Physics Reports 2011

Representation learning for temporal networks

  • Kazemi et al., Representation Learning for Dynamic Graphs: A Survey, 2020
  • Chang et al., Mobility network models of COVID-19 explain inequities and inform reopening, 2020

Traffic prediction

Pasted image 20240209183400.png
  • Derrow-Pinion et al. # ETA Prediction with Graph Neural Networks in Google Maps, 2021

Weather forecasting

  • Remi Lam et al., GraphCast: Learning skillful medium-range global weather forecasting, 2023
Obsidian Vault Personal Branding, Research & Learning Network theory, Knowledge Graphs and GNNs Chapter 3 Network Data and Analysis Tools   Network data sources Reza Rezazadegan The data for yours data analysis project can be taken from the following sources and the analysis can be related to your presentation topic.

Stanford Large Network Dataset Collection

http://snap.stanford.edu/data/index.html http://snap.stanford.edu/data/other.html

Network Repository


UC Irvine Network Repository


Social and Communication Networks from Yahoo!







http://math.bu.edu/people/kolaczyk/datasets.html https://public.websites.umich.edu/~mejn/netdata/

Network Visualization and Analysis Software




for whole-network analysis


Python Libraries


  • Written in C, available for both R and Python
  • Suitable for huge networks with nodes
  • Good network visualization tools
  • Doesn’t have a very handy API




Convenient for networks up to 100000 nodes.

Introduction to Networkx

Installing Python

Install Miniconda from https://docs.anaconda.com/free/miniconda/miniconda-install.html Then open the Anaconda Prompt and enter pip install networkx jupyter pandas matplotlibCopy Get Visual Studio Code from https://code.visualstudio.com/download Install the Jupyter plugin in VSCode. Optionally install the AI plugin Amazon Code Whisperer.

Networkx tutorial

We use this jupyter notebook: https://networkx.org/documentation/stable/tutorial.ipynb Full Networkx reference: https://networkx.org/documentation/hstable/reference/index.html

Student presentations from the book Complex Network Analysis with Python

Students make groups of two to present the following chapters:

Chapter 3: Constructing a network of Wikipedia pages

Chapter 9: Panama Papers

Chapter 13: Going from Products to Projects

Chapter 16: Building a network of trauma types

Graph Visualization Layouts

Because the networks we study are abstract, there are different ways to draw each network. Topic for a small student presentation!    


Reza Rezazadegan

A graph consists of a set of vertices (or nodes) and a set of edges. Each edge is of the form where are vertices of the graph. Such graphs are undirected, meaning that the relations between nodes are symmetric.

A graph can be stored in a computer as a linked list with pointers from nodes to their neighbors.

We denote the number of nodes and links in a network by and respectively.

The degree of a node is the number of edges connected to it. Nodes with relatively high degree are called hubs of the network.

The average degree of a network equal .

The adjacency matrix

After choosing an enumeration of the vertices
, the adjacency matrix of the graph is defined by

if there is an edge between and zero otherwise.

For large networks with thousands or millions of edges, the adjacency matrix will be huge.

Real networks are sparse, meaning that the number of links is proportional to and is much smaller than the possibly number of links i.e. . The neural network of the worm C. elegans, has 297 neurons as nodes and 2,345 synapses as edges.

The adjacency matrix can be stored as a sparse matrix however for large networks it is not efficient to use computationally.

Directed Graphs

In directed networks, relations are asymmetric and thus edges are represented by ordered tuples .

Examples: citation networks, web,…

For directed graphs we have in-degree and out-degree . Of course the sum of the two equals degree of the node: .
We have .

The adjacency matrix of a directed graph is not symmetric:

if there is an edge from towards .

Image credit: Barabasi, Network Science

Every directed graph has an underlying undirected graph which is obtained by symmetrizing the relations.

Weighted Graphs

In the graphs considered so far, all links have the same “value” but in reality, in many networks, the edges have weights which quantifies their role as a link. For example:

  • the total length of communication in a mobile network
  • the amount of traffic in a communication or transportation network
  • the number of clickes on a link between two webpages.

We can encode link weights in the adjacency matrix: .

Paths and connectivity

A path in an undirected network consists of a sequence of nodes such that there is an edge between for each . For directed networks, there must be a directed edge from to . The length of a path is the number of edges in it.

A cycle is a path that starts from a node and goes back to it. A graph is called a tree if it has no cycles.

The distance between two nodes is the minimum length of the paths connecting them. If there is no such a path, the distance is taken to be infinite.

This way a network is a metric space and a topological space.

The diameter of a network is the maximum distance between its nodes.

We can define an equivalence relation on graph nodes based on whether there is a path between them. This relation partitions graph nodes into connected components. A graph is connected if it has only one connected component.

The adjacency matrix of a disconnected graph has block-diagonal form.

For directed graphs, distance is measured in the underlying undirected graph. However, even if the underlying undirected graph is connected, there may not be directed paths between pairs of nodes.

For weighted graphs, the length of a path is the sum of its weights. For example in the case of estimating time of arrival, routes with more traffic have a higher weight and can be thought of as being longer.

Relation to adjacency matrix: the number of paths of length 1 from to . Likewise is the number of paths of length 2 between these two vertices. This way, is the number of paths of length from to .
This way, the entries of the matrix equal the number of all paths between pairs of nodes. Note that the above sum equals if all eigenvalues of are and is invertible.

Since even in a small graph, paths can be arbitrarily long, we can introduce an attenuation factor and consider instead. This way longer paths contribute less and the number of paths between to can be thought of as a measure of neighborhood similarity of and . It is called the Katz index of these nodes. In a directed network, Katz index quantifies the influence of on . The sum is a measure of centrality of the node .

Even though above computation is elegant, the adjacency matrix of a large network will be huge. BFS is a better option.

Breath-First Search (BFS)

BFS and DFS are algorithms for finding all the nodes in a graph.

It is a recursive algorithm and uses a queue data structure. Starting from a node u of the graph, BFS labels other nodes by their distance to u. Let F(v) be the function that puts all the unlabeled neighbors of the node v in the queue and labels them with one plus the label of v.
BFS calls F(u) then recursively takes a node v out of the queue and calls F(v) until the queue becomes empty.

Image source: Barabasi, Network Science

def BFS(G, source):         # distances from source to nodes        dist = {v : Null for v in G}         # Create a queue for BFS        queue = []         # Mark the source node as        # visited and enqueue it        queue.append(source)        dist[source] = 0         while queue:                # Dequeue a vertex from the queue and print it               s = queue.pop(0)               print(s, end=” “)                # Get all adjacent vertices of the dequeued vertex s.               # If an adjacent has not been visited, its dist to source is 1+dist[s] and we enqueue it               for v in G.nbhs[s]:                       if dist[v] == None:                               queue.append(v)                               dist[v] = dist[s]+1  Copy

Depth-First Search (DFS)

Dijkstra algorithm

BFS algorithm, as is, does not find the shortest path for us. Moreover shortest path finding can be generalized to weighted graphs.

Used for finding best paths in transportation and communication networks e.g. in internet routing.

def dijkstra(graph, source):    # Initialize distances and visited set    distances = {vertex: float(‘inf’) for vertex in graph}    distances[source] = 0    visited = set()     while len(visited) < len(graph):        current_node = min((node for node in graph if node not in visited), key=distances.get)        visited.add(current_node)         for (neighbor, weight) in graph[current_node].nbhs():            new_distance = distances[current_node] + weight            if new_distance < distances[neighbor]:                distances[neighbor] = new_distance     return distancesCopy

Graph isomorphism

Two graphs are isomorphic if there is a bijective map such that if then and vice versa.

Induced subgraph

If is a subset of the nodes of the graph, then the subgraph induced by has as vertex set and its edges are the edges of whose nodes are in .

Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) and Topological Decomposition

A directed graph is called acyclic if it has no directed cycles. Citation networks are typically DAGs.

DAGs admit a filtering on their nodes which is called topological decomposition. In this filtering, nodes which in-degree zero are considered level 0. Nodes that receive links from nodes of level 0 are called level 1; nodes that receive links only from nodes of level 1 are considered level 2, and so on. Note that a node receiving links from nodes of levels n and is still considered to be of level n.

There is no link between nodes of each level. Why?


  • Task scheduling: Ensuring tasks in a project are executed in the correct order.
  • Dependency resolution: Installing software packages with dependencies.

Dependency tree of the Linux package dpkg; produced using debtree

Exercise: Show that the adjacency matrix of a DAG is nilpotent i.e. for some .

Bipartite graphs

The nodes in a bipartite graph have two types, and there is no edge between the nodes of the same type.

Heterogeneous networks

Such as knowledge graphs, in which nodes and edges can have different types.

Spatial networks

Networks and graphs we considered so far are abstract graphs meaning that there nodes do not have specific locations. However there are many networks whose nodes have spatial locations.
Examples: Mobile antenna towers, transportation networks (such as road networks).

In this course we mainly focus on abstract networks, however see: Barthelemy, Spatial Networks, Physics Reports 2011


Obsidian Vault Personal Branding, Research & Learning Network theory, Knowledge Graphs and GNNs Chapter 4 Social Networks   Sociograms Davis Southern Women Network. This network records the co-attendance of 18 women in 14 social events over a 9 month period. Originally from: Davis, A., Gardner, B. B., Gardner, M. R., 1941. Deep South. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL. This image from Batagelj, 2022, Analysis of the Southern women network using fractional approach, Social Networks, 68. Psychologist Jacob Moreno was the first to study social networks and construct visual representations called sociograms from them. In his book he makes sociograms for students of different grades in a primary school. The (directed) relation is who wants to be sitting next to whom  and each child can choose two others. Girls are represented by circles while boys are drawn as triangles. Source: Jacob Moreno, Who shall survive? A New Approach to the Problem of Human Interrelations, 1934

Dunbar number

Anthropologist Robin Dunbar realized a relation between the size of the neocortex of primates and the size of their social groups. He proposed that a person cannot handle more than about 150 stable relations at the same time.

Giant component

Even if a social network is not connected, it is likely that it has a very large connected component. The giant component is a connected component that contains a “significant” fraction of all the nodes. The network of romantic relationships, recorded over a 18 month period, in an American high school. Source: Peter Bearman, James Moody, and Katherine Stovel, American Journal of Sociology, 110(1):44–99, 2004. Note that there are very few triangles in the network, which (as we will see) means that it has very small clustering coefficient. If everybody knows an average of 150 people by first name, then we can expect the number of people connected to us to grow exponentially as the hop length (distance) increases.

Small world phenomenon

Not just large networks have giant connected components, they can have surprisingly short diameters. For example if you have a friend living in a different part of the world, he/she connects you to a whole new network of people. Stanley Milgram mailed 296 letters to randomly chosen addresses in northwestern United States. Recipients were asked to either:
  • mail the letter to an address in Boston, if they knew the target recepient or,
  • send it to someone they knew on the first name basis who was more likely to know the target recepient.
64 of the letters arrived at the target, with the average path length between 5 and 6. “I read somewhere that everybody on this planet is separated by only six other people. Six degrees of separation between us and everyone else on this planet.” (from a play by John Guare)Copy Image Source: Social Network Analysis for Startups, Tsvetovat and Kouznetsov, R’Reilly 2011 The distribution of distances (more precisely, the average distance to 1000 randomly chosen users) in the network of Microsoft Instant Messager users. An edge in this network means the two users communicated at least once in the one month experiment period. The x axis represents distance and the y axis is the frequency (probability) of that distance among pairs of nodes. Source: Jure Leskovec and Eric Horvitz, Worldwide buzz: Planetary-scale views on an instant-messaging network. In Proc. 17th International World Wide Web Conference, 2008. Collaboration network of mathematicians centered around Paul Erdos. Hand-drawn by Ronald Graham. https://sites.google.com/oakland.edu/grossman/home/the-erdoes-number-project

The Watts-Strogatz model for small world networks

Watts-Strogatz model is a model which generated random graphs with small world property. We start with a regular (i.e. all nodes have the same degree) graph in which each node is connected to the nodes near it on the ring. This somehow represents a geographical graph. Then with the probability , each edge is changed into where is chosen uniformly at random and . As nears 1, the graph converges into a random graph. You can experiment with this model here. Image source: Watts, D. J. & Strogatz, S. H. (1998). Collective dynamics of ‘small-world’ networks. Nature 393: 409–10.


Homophily: we tend to be similar to our friends. Homophily is a basic phenomenon that affects the structure of social networks. The friendship network in a high school and middle school in America. Node color represents race. Source: James Moody. Race, school integration, and friendship segregation in America, 2001. Measuring homophily: Imaging we have two groups of nodes in our network, say male and female. If the probability of being male is and the probability of being female is then if there is no homophily, the probability of existence of a link between a male and a female would be . If the fraction of cross-group edges is significantly less than this (as determined by statistical tests), then we have homophily in the network.

Mechanisms behind homophily:

Selection: A person’s immutable characteristics (race, IQ, age,…) affect the connections and choices they make. Influence: Those to whom we are connected affect our choices. Also called peer pressure. The effect of selection is comparable to, or greater than the effect of social influence.
  • Denise B. Kandel. Homophily, selection, and socialization in adolescent friendships. American Journal of Sociology, 84(2):427–436, September 1978
  • Jere M. Cohen. Sources of peer group homogeneity. Sociology in Education, 50:227–241, October 1977
Other topics: Affiliation and link formation Snowball sampling in social networks    

About Reza Rezazadegan

استاد ریاضیات کاربردی و علوم کامپیوتر دانشگاه شیراز پستداک هوش مصنوعی دانشگاه شریف پژوهشگر سابق موسسه بایوکامپلکسیتی دانشگاه ویرجینیا

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