AI research April 28, 2022

The graph connection
Anticipating others’ behavior on the road
Generating new molecules with graph grammar
Understanding Deep Learning Algorithms that Leverage Unlabeled Data, Part 2: Contrastive Learning
Reusability report: Capturing properties of biological objects and their relationships using graph neural networks
Half a decade of graph convolutional networks
The transformational role of GPU computing and deep learning in drug discovery
Solving the challenges of robotic pizza-making

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AI general news March 21, 2022

Advancing first-person perception with 2022 Ego4D challenge
What is the Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Education Sector? – Analytics Insight
What’s Next in Artificial Intelligence? Three Key Directions – Stanford HAI
‘No-Code’ Brings the Power of A.I. to the Masses – The New York Times
Study examines how machine learning boosts manufacturing
Unlocking new doors to artificial intelligence
Sustainability applications for artificial intelligence – Sustainability Magazine
3 Questions: How the MIT mini cheetah learns to run
How artificial intelligence can help combat systemic racism

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AI technical articles March 21, 2022

What is MLOps?
The Input-output Attention Mechanism from “Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning…
Top AI and Data Science Tools and Techniques for 2022 and Beyond
Geo-visualization of daily movements of Bike-sharing system: Helsinki and Tartu
Multi-Head Attention
Understanding Sigmoid, Logistic, Softmax Functions, and Cross-Entropy Loss (Log Loss)
How to Generate Synthetic Tabular Dataset

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AI research March 21, 2022

Advancing first-person perception with 2022 Ego4D challenge
Understanding Deep Learning Algorithms that Leverage Unlabeled Data, Part 1: Self-training
Improving question-answering models that use data from tables
Stable learning establishes some common ground between causal inference and machine learning
Geometry-enhanced molecular representation learning for property prediction
Design of potent antimalarials with generative chemistry
Advances toward ubiquitous neural information retrieval
Unsupervised Skill Discovery with Contrastive Intrinsic Control
Pseudo labeling: Speech recognition using multilingual unlabeled data
When it comes to AI, can we ditch the datasets?
Bringing practical applications of quantum computing closer
Advances in multimodal understanding research at Meta AI

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AI research March 5, 2022

Yann LeCun on a vision to make AI systems learn and reason like animals and humans
Machine learning can help read the language of life
Can CPUs leverage sparsity?
Geometric deep learning on molecular representations
Amazon at WSDM: The future of graph neural networks
What’s next for deep learning?
A deep generative model for molecule optimization via one fragment modification

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AI general news March 5, 2022

Project CAIRaoke: Building the assistants of the future with breakthroughs in conversational AI
An intro to AI, made for students
Hybrid AI Will Go Mainstream in 2022
System Cards, a new resource for understanding how AI systems work
Using artificial intelligence to find anomalies hiding in massive datasets
Deep-learning technique predicts clinical treatment outcomes
Artificial Intelligence of Things
What is Adversarial Machine Learning?

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AI technical articles, February 20, 2022

Introduction to Probabilistic Classification: A Machine Learning Perspective
Analyzing Missing Data Problem in Uber Movement Speed Data
Top 5 Free Machine Learning Courses
From Oracle to Databases for AI: The Evolution of Data Storage
The motivation behind using graph convolutions
Machine Learning 103: Loss Functions
Data Mesh & Its Distributed Data Architecture
Using JAX to accelerate our research

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AI research February 20, 2022

Competitive programming with AlphaCode
Generally capable agents emerge from open-ended play
Technique enables real-time rendering of scenes in 3D
Exploring the beauty of pure mathematics in novel ways
Meta-Learning Student Feedback to 16,000 Solutions
Machines that see the world more like humans do
Language modelling at scale
Break-It-Fix-It: Unsupervised Learning for Fixing Source Code Errors
Automated reasoning’s scientific frontiers

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AI general news February 20, 2022

Sway AI Announces Its No-Code Artificial Intelligence (AI) Platform
Taking some of the guesswork out of drug discovery
‘Human-Centered AI,’ An In-Depth Study Of The Current State Of The Artificial Intelligence Concept
Creating better virtual backdrops for video calling, remote presence, and AR
Generating a realistic 3D world

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